



Welcome to David Ramirez Gomez’ printmaking courses.

In this exciting course we will go through 3 basic printmaking techniques, mastering these techniques will take you a long way in the printmaking universe.

I will follow your development and progress through these lessons, guiding you from start to end in order to help you achieve your ideas.



Monotype is one of the most simple printmaking techniques and somehow under-appreciated because of its simplicity; but it is extremely interesting to play with.


Linocut is one of the oldest printmaking techniques, in which an image is carved onto a matrix, such as rubber, wood, linoleum, etc.



Drypoint is one of the most accessible intaglio printing techniques, in which the image is incised on the surface of the matrix such as plexiglass, copper, zinc plates, etc.

Ready to work

  • Comfortable, practical clothing that can get dirty

  • Rubber gloves, either the dishwashing type or disposable

  • All materials and tools needed will be provided

  • Bring snacks if you think you might need an energy boost during the class

  • Don’t be afraid to ask!


Looking very much forward to having lots of printmaking fun!!!