David Ramírez Gómez (CO)
Born in El Peñol, Antioquia, Colombia in 1981.
Lives in Aarhus, Danmark.
Mobil: +45 60 78 76 66.
2001 – 2005 and 2006 - 2007
”Artes plásticas”, Universidad de Antioquia (Visual arts at the University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia)
Electronic music (12 week course), Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Winner of KP prisen, with artwork INREJSE
Selected solo exhibitions
“Sagn om Savn” Hirtshals Fyr, Hirtshals, DK
“Longing distance long afstand af-stand stilhed still stand” Byenes Kunst, Jelling, DK
Horisonten, Sigridsstuge, Aarhus, DK
Grænsesøgende, Holme Kunsthal, Aarhus, DK
Exposition-Retrospective, Galerie 55Bellechasse, Paris, FN
“Forårsmarked”, Spor 2, Godsbanen, Aarhus, DK
”David Ramirez Gomez”, CGI, Aarhus, DK
“Wandering: you win, you loose, you change”, performance, Rum 46, Aarhus, DK
”David Ramirez Gomez is here now”, Spor 2, Godsbanen, Aarhus, DK
”Krav om bolig af rimelig størrelse” Mellemrummet, Godsbanen, Aarhus, DK
”Little Bus”, performance. Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
”David Ramirez Gomez”, Kongernes Jelling, Jelling, DK
”David Ramirez Gomez”, C.F. Møller, Aarhus, DK
”Access Denied”, Galleri V58, Aarhus, DK
”David Ramirez Billeder”, Albertslund bibliotek, Albertslund, DK
”Portrætter”, Lærdansk, Aarhus, DK
“David Ramirez Gomez”, Drudenfus, Aarhus, Dk
“David Ramírez Gómez”, Logica, Aarhus, DK
“David Ramirez Gomez”, Copenhart Gallery, Copenhagen, DK
“David Ramirez Gomez”, Drudenfus, Aarhus, Dk
”Retratos”, Triskel Art Centre, Cork, IR
”El Colombiano”, Tom Barry’s, Cork, IR
Selected group exhibitions
Burning viper, Huggeorm, Aarhus, DK
“I mellemtiden” Huggeorm, Aarhus, DK
KP19, Kunsthal Aarhus, Aarhus, DK
Frame Experience, representered by Galerie 55Bellechasse, Miami Beach, Fl
Frame Experience, representered by Galerie 55Bellechasse, Bassel,CH
Palm beach modern+Contemporary, representered by Galerie 55Bellechasse, Palm Beach, FL
London art fair ,represented by Galerie 55Bellechasse, London, GB
Art Wynwood, representedt by galerie 55bellechasse, Miami, FL
Seattle art fair, represented by Galerie 55bellechasse, Seattle, SEA
Art Market Hamptons, represented by Galerie 55bellechasse, Hamptoms, NY
Art Pampelonne saint tropez, represented by Galerie 55bellechasse, pampelone, FR
Art Salzburg contemporary & antique international, represented by Galerie 55bellechasse, Austria,AT
Scope Basel, represented by Galerie 55bellechasse, Basel, CH
Art New york, represented by Galerie 55Bellechasse, NewYork, NY
Art market San Francisco, represented by Galerie 55Bellechasse, San Francisco, CA
Yia art fair, Brussels, represented by Galerie 55Bellechasse,Brussels, BE
Palm beach modern+Contemporary,represented by Galerie 55Bellechasse, Palm Beach, FL
Scope Miami, represented by Galerie 55Bellechase, FL
Art New york, repræsented byf Galerie 55Bellechasse, NewYork, NY
Art.fair Cologne, repræsenteret af Galerie 55Bellechasse, Cologne, DE
To Transgress an invisible border, Galeria de arte contemporaneo Paul Bardwel, Medellin,CO
Overgang i vest, Sigridstue, Gellerup, DK
Art Palm Beach, represented by Galerie 55Bellechasse, Palm Beach, FL
Scope, represented by Galerie 55Bellechasse, NewYork, NY
Art Boca Raton, represented by Galerie 55Bellechasse, Boca Raton, FL
YIA, represented by Galerie 55Bellechasse, Bruxelles, BE
Solo Project, represented by Galerie 55Bellechasse, Basel, Ch
Opening of 55Bellechasse, MIami, FL
Art Copenhagen, represented by Galerie 55Bellechasse, København, DK
Group show re-opening of 55Bellechasse, Paris, FR
YIA, represented by Galerie 55Bellechasse, paris, FR
The solo project, represented by Galerie 55bellechasse, Basel, CH
Context Newyork, represented by Galerie 55Bellechasse, NewYork, NY
Artwynwood, represented by Galerie 55bellechasse,Miami, FL
Art Fair, represented by Galerie 55bellechasse, Cologne, Germany
Art Copenhagen, represented by Galerie 55bellechasse,Copenhagen, DK
Art Southampton, represented by Galerie 55bellechasse, Hamptons, USA
Scope Basel, represented by Galerie 55bellechasse, Basel, CH
Art Miami NewYork, represented by Galerie 55bellechasse, Paris, FN
Art Paris art fair, represented by Galerie 55bellechasse, Paris, FN
Scope New York, represented by Galerie 55Bellechasse, NewYork, NY
BYOB, Institut for X, Aarhus, DK
Winter exhibition, Galleri V58, Aarhus, DK
Artwynwood, represented by Galerie 55bellechasse,Miami, FL
ind-vandrere historie og andre fortællinger, Aarhus kunstakademiet, Aarhus, DK
Art Copenhagen (art fair), represented by Galleri V58, Copenhagen, DK
Art Herning 14 (art fair), represented by Galleri V58, Herning, DK
“Vinterudstilling”, Galleri V58, Aarhus,DK
”Urbane vilde spor”, outdoors art festival, Aarhus, DK
”Vinterudstilling”, Galleri V58, Aarhus, DK
”Sommerudstilling”, Galleri V58, Aarhus, DK
“Generous Gestures”, Den frie, centre for contemporary art, Copenhagen, DK
“Vinterudstilling”, Galleri V58, Aarhus,DK
”Af lyst eller nød”, Bymuseet, Aarhus, DK
”Naboerne kommer”, The Lighthouse, Anholt, Århus, DK
”Naboerne kommer”, Gellerup museum, Århus, DK
”Sommerudstilling”, Galleri V58, Århus, DK
”Forårsudstilling”, Galleri V58, Århus, DK
”Vinterudstilling”, Galleri V58, Århus, DK
”Vorherre Bevares”, Copenhart Gallery, Valby, DK
”C.A.R.”, Contemporary Art Ruhr (art fair), represented by Colourblind Gallery, Essen, DE
”Street Art in den modernen Wohnung”, Colourblind Gallery, Köln, DE
”Internationale Drengestreger”, Copenhart Gallery, Valby, DK
“Imagen Regional V”, Manizales, CO
“Festival de arte contemporaneo, proyecto EGO ECO”, Ezanville, Paris, FR
“Micro Evento # 31”, Centro Colombo Americano, Medellin, CO
“Desde la plastic”, Museo Universitario, Medellin, CO
“Bienal regional de pintura y obra grafica”, Rionegro and Medellin, CO
Teaching, artist talks etc.
Partisipation on tv program Program Keramik kamp, TV2.
Printmaking teacher, spring, Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Printmaking teacher, spring, Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Artist talk “Longing distance kong aftand af-stand stilhed still stand. Byens kunst, Jelling, DK
Printmaking teacher, spring, Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Printmaking teacher, autumn, Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Printmaking teacher, spring, Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Printmaking teacher, autumn, Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Artist talk, Vejle Idrætshøjskole, Vejle, DK
Artist talk, Uldum Højskole, Uldum, DK
Printmaking teacher, spring, Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Printmaking teacher, autumn, Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Artist talk, Galleri V58, Aarhus,DK
Artist talk, Uldum Højskole, Uldum, DK
Printmaking teacher, workshop til Hjortshøj festival, Hjortshøj, DK
Artist of the week (Ceramics), Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Teacher and project manager, Project “Ge2blast”, Gellerup, Aarhus, DK
Printmaking teacher, spring, Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Interview/portrait program, “Folk i Farver”, Tv2 Østjylland, Aarhus, DK
Teacher in workshop, “Kunstuge”, Ådalen Efterskole, Hørning, DK
Artist of the week (Ceramics), Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Printmaking teacher, spring, Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Printmaking teacher, autumn, Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Artist talk (“Artistic process of David Ramirez Gomez”), autumn, Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Artist of the Week, Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Artist talk (“Artistic process of David Ramirez Gomez”), spring, Engelsholm Højskole, Vejle, DK
Artist talk (“Artistic process of David Ramirez Gomez”), Kongernes Jelling, Jelling, DK
Teacher of art workshop, art day at Hornbæk School, Randers, DK
Teacher in the project “Spider woman”, including a street art workshop, Gellerup, Aarhus, DK
Teacher of graffiti workshop, “Grundlovsdag”, Gellerup, Aarhus, DK
Teacher of paste up and stencil workshop, Gellerup, Aarhus, DK
“Mde07: Espacios de hospitalidad” (festival of contemporary art), assistent to Federico Herrero (Costa Rica), Medellin, CO
Art program for special abilities for adults. Mayfield arts centre, Cork, IR
“Springboards programme for young people”, graffiti artist in residence, Triskel Art Centre, Cork, IR
Commissioned works and projekts
AFTRYK II, an outdoors mural project in Gellerup in collaboration with the students from schools from around the area.
AFTRYK II, an outdoors mural project in Gellerup in collaboration with the students from schools from around the area.
AFTRYK, an outdoors mural project in Gellerup in collaboration with the students from Tovshøjskole, Sødalsskole and Endalsskole.
Mural painting, Den Rå Hall, Godsbanen, Aarhus Dk
The way the dead love, Baggrund painting and courtain, for Luis Aguirre opera the way the dead love, directed and choreographed by Troels Primdalh (world premiere february 2017)
Decoration of caravan, project “Ge2blast” Gellerup, Aarhus, DK
Illustrations for app history for children, “Pelle og Palle”, written by Sif Neldeborg, DK
Decoration of machinery, Godsbanen, Aarhus, DK
“Little Colombia”, wall painting, private collector, Köln, DE
“Hechizado”, music video, music by Band Ane, DK
Wall intervention, opgang 3G, Godsbanen, Aarhus, DK
“Fra forstanden”, music video, music by Røgslør, DK
“Lad dem smile”, music video, music by Røgslør, DK
“3 Minutter i Gellerup”, Video illustrations for 12 stories in collaboration with Opgang 2, shown on tv channel Tv2 Østjylland, DK
“Køer på Trøjborg”, outdoors installation, Aarhus, DK
Indoor murals and decoration, Foreningernes hus, Gellerup, Aarhus, DK